Monday, August 27, 2012

New LED Sign Technology: The positives and negatives

Yes, it seems the next step in Sign technology is the new LED sign technology.  There are many positives to this new technology.  For example,

Signs range from having the ability to display millions of colors.

 Resolutions of the LED signs range up to almost HD quality viewing.

The software that comes with these signs makes changing your daily messages quick and easy and also allows for animations.

However, the downside to this new technology is that it is expensive.  The one big positive to outdoor advertising is that it is extremely cost effective.  However, with this kind of technology, it becomes a much bigger expense.  Also, it is a much debated topic at the moment as to whether these kind of signs are too distracting for daily drivers.  Whatever side you land on, these type of signs are certainly changing the atmosphere of outdoor advertising. 

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