Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Crazy About Color!

Color Matching (n.) The process of assuring that a color on one medium remains the same when converted to another medium. This is extremely difficult because different media use different color models. Color monitors, for example, use the RGB model (on the right), whereas process printing uses the CMYK model (on the left).
Here at 44 Sign Company we believe in the importance of having the perfect color, and we strive every day to give our customers exactly that!  It is not an unusual occurrence to send a file to be printed and notice that the colors don’t match what were on your screen. As a designer, this tiny flaw could potentially ruin exactly what you originally envisioned.

Our customers deserved to get signs in the colors they expect. To ensure the best possible results, we  take the time to calibrate the color from your scanner, monitor, and printer to each different type of printed media out there. We utilize the best color management equipment in the industry. What you see on your screen is as close as a match of what you will see on any media we print for you.

At 44 Sign Company, we'd love to show you our true colors!

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