Monday, December 3, 2012

Outdoor Signs for Outdoor People

Here in Minnesota, we seem to pride ourselves on being able to handle the cold. With a record low of -60 degrees, it’s kind of a big deal. Minnesota is known as an “outdoors” state. With that in mind, it is important to have outdoor signage available for outdoor people.

At 44 Sign we have experience with a variety of outdoor signage. Each sign we have done is unique and says something different about the business and the customer.

Do you know of a restaurant looking to bring people in?

We’ve got just the thing.

Maybe you own a specialty store and you’re trying to spread the word to a specific market.

We’ve got that covered.

Maybe you work for a family doctor’s office and you are looking for a way to bring in new patients.

We can handle that.

Maybe you own a jewelry store and you want to appeal to the holiday shopper with some great deals.  

We can do that too.

We’re here to make a sign for you that can withstand our Minnesota cold, but also catches the eye of your customer. Through collaborative design and industry leading color-matching techniques, you’ll get exactly what you see on the computer screen. This means one thing: great outdoor signs for your business, and your customer.

Stop in for more information on how we can help you or check out our website.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Local Visibility

The "buy local" movement is gaining momentum across the United States. 44 Sign Company is a St. Cloud based Family owned sign company that specializes in making an impression with creative, high quality and affordable color signage solutions.

44 Sign Company is proud to be an active member in the Greater St. Cloud Area Chamber of Commerce. we build relationships within the local communities we serve. We do business with our friends, relatives and business associates. We're local and WE CARE!

We invest back into the local economy. We're local, so we can be agile and act quickly. We like to do business face-to-face.

St. Cloud Sign. Photo by Jason Wachter St. Cloud, Minn.

Conducting your business locally has environmental benefits, increases speed of delivery, shortens supply chains and increases certainty and predictability. All of our signs are constructed from the highest quality materials and engineered with precision. Our prices are competitive and our service is astounding.

Stop by and visit, we're right around the corner.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Branding Through Signs

With all of the clutter out there today, it can be very tough to brand your business. Let's face it, with Americans experiencing anywhere from 3,500 to 5,000 marketing messages a day, it can be overwhelming trying to stand out. 
See what we mean?
To top it all off, throw in the multiple marketing avenues through print and web, and it can be hard to decide where to focus your marketing efforts. With all of this information swirling around, it can be easy to forget to give your company a professional image, and one way to do that is through high quality signage. 

Signage is everywhere. We accept that. At the same time, signage is something that shouldn't be ignored. Signs can be placed all over, can draw people's attention, and are an efficient way to spread and communicate your brand. But in order to make your signage stand out in a crowd, it has to be unique. How do you make it unique? Through creativity and high quality color signage solutions you will be unique. Invest in your logo, invest in your signage, and people will notice. Build your brand in multiple places with high quality signage, and build your business. 

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Take Your Business Wherever You Go

Vehicle graphics are a low cost, high impact advertising solution for many business owners. Consider the following:

A recent 3M poll showed that 90% of travelers notice the graphics on a wrapped vehicle.

One Scotchprint Graphics truck reached an estimated 40,585 people per day in Chicago.

75% of consumers form impressions about a company based on Fleet graphics.

30% of consumers base buying decisions on impressions they receive from company vehicles.

According to the American Truckers Association the average delivery vehicle makes 16 million visual impressions each year.

The graphic design must be dramatic and eye catching. If your business vehicle is “graphically wrapped”, make sure you park it in a busy traffic area. The cost of the vehicle graphic is typically tax deductible. Consider putting your car to work for your business!

Monday, August 27, 2012

New LED Sign Technology: The positives and negatives

Yes, it seems the next step in Sign technology is the new LED sign technology.  There are many positives to this new technology.  For example,

Signs range from having the ability to display millions of colors.

 Resolutions of the LED signs range up to almost HD quality viewing.

The software that comes with these signs makes changing your daily messages quick and easy and also allows for animations.

However, the downside to this new technology is that it is expensive.  The one big positive to outdoor advertising is that it is extremely cost effective.  However, with this kind of technology, it becomes a much bigger expense.  Also, it is a much debated topic at the moment as to whether these kind of signs are too distracting for daily drivers.  Whatever side you land on, these type of signs are certainly changing the atmosphere of outdoor advertising. 

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Signs and Logos of Central Minnesota

Ahhh yes, nothing says welcome like a welcome sign.

The hometown team!

Where else would you go to get the things you need?

The famous fish in Waite Park!

 Sign of one of the biggest colleges in the area!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Please, show me a sign ..... any sign.

Creative, effective message


Really, really good advice

Yes, we're talking to you

Direct and effective

Count your blessings

The eternal question

Everyone uses signs